Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Feather-Lined Comforters

Let’s face it, when it is bedtime everyone wants to cuddle up beneath those “blankies” or covers. The colder it is the better the covers tend to feel on the skin, especially in the wintertime.

There is nothing like wrapping up in a good soft blanket or comforter in the times when it is really cold outside or inside. However, what if the covers being used are one of the very things that is causing the skin to itch and burn?

These days, bedding is being made for the style, thickness and the warmth it can provide. Comforters that are being made with feathers or fur can definitely have an adverse effect of some people. They can itch and have skin that feels like it is chaff and burn.

Try changing the comforter, and stay away from the fur of feather-lined products.

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