Friday, March 7, 2008

Snow—Good or Bad For Allergies?

The weather is beautiful at this time of year with all the snow falling everywhere. One of the things that makes having snow much fun is being able to go outside and play in it by making Angels in the snow or maybe some good old fashioned snowball fights with friends and/or family. But, not everyone can enjoy going outside in the snow, because of the havoc it brings with allergies.

The very cold temperatures can possibly have a big affect on a person. Some individuals can experience a chest that feels tight, which makes it hard to breathe, sneezing and wheezing, itchy and watery eyes and a cough. This can easily and quickly turn into something much worse, like an upper respiratory infection, pneumonia, flu or bronchitis. Taking special precautions is very important during this time of year, so be careful out there and enjoy the snow.

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